第 25 节
作者:交通工具类:沧海一叶舟      更新:2022-08-21 16:42      字数:9322
  popular of our English public schools。  On the committee stands the
  name of that eminent scholar and gentleman; the Provost of Eton。
  You justly admire this liberal spirit; and your admiration … which
  I cordially share … brings me naturally to what I wish to say; that
  I believe there is not in England any institution so socially
  liberal as a public school。  It has been called a little cosmos of
  life outside; and I think it is so; with the exception of one of
  life's worst foibles … for; as far as I know; nowhere in this
  country is there so complete an absence of servility to mere rank;
  to mere position; to mere riches as in a public school。  A boy
  there is always what his abilities or his personal qualities make
  him。  We may differ about the curriculum and other matters; but of
  the frank; free; manly; independent spirit preserved in our public
  schools; I apprehend there can be no kind of question。  It has
  happened in these later times that objection has been made to
  children of dramatic artists in certain little snivelling private
  schools … but in public schools never。  Therefore; I hold that the
  actors are wise; and gratefully wise; in recognizing the capacious
  liberality of a public school; in seeking not a little hole…and…
  corner place of education for their children exclusively; but in
  addressing the whole of the great middle class; and proposing to
  them to come and join them; the actors; on their own property; in a
  public school; in a part of the country where no such advantage is
  now to be found。
  I have now done。  The attempt has been a very timid one。  I have
  endeavoured to confine myself within my means; or; rather; like the
  possessor of an extended estate; to hand it down in an
  unembarrassed condition。  I have laid a trifle of timber here and
  there; and grubbed up a little brushwood; but merely to open the
  view; and I think I can descry in the eye of the gentleman who is
  to move the first resolution that he distinctly sees his way。
  Thanking you for the courtesy with which you have heard me; and not
  at all doubting that we shall lay a strong foundation of these
  schools to…day; I will call; as the mover of the first resolution;
  on Mr。 Robert Bell。
  SPEECH:  LONDON; MAY 9; 1865。
  'On the above date Mr。 Dickens presided at the Annual Festival of
  the Newsvendors' Benevolent and Provident Association; and; in
  proposing the toast of the evening; delivered the following
  LADIES AND GENTLEMEN; … Dr。 Johnson's experience of that club; the
  members of which have travelled over one another's minds in every
  direction; is not to be compared with the experience of the
  perpetual president of a society like this。  Having on previous
  occasions said everything about it that he could possibly find to
  say; he is again produced; with the same awful formalities; to say
  everything about it that he cannot possibly find to say。  It struck
  me; when Dr。 F。 Jones was referring just now to Easter Monday; that
  the case of such an ill…starred president is very like that of the
  stag at Epping Forest on Easter Monday。  That unfortunate animal
  when he is uncarted at the spot where the meet takes place;
  generally makes a point; I am told; of making away at a cool trot;
  venturesomely followed by the whole field; to the yard where he
  lives; and there subsides into a quiet and inoffensive existence;
  until he is again brought out to be again followed by exactly the
  same field; under exactly the  same circumstances; next Easter
  The difficulties of the situation … and here I mean the president
  and not the stag … are greatly increased in such an instance as
  this by the peculiar nature of the institution。  In its
  unpretending solidity; reality; and usefulness; believe me … for I
  have carefully considered the point … it presents no opening
  whatever of an oratorical nature。  If it were one of those costly
  charities; so called; whose yield of wool bears no sort of
  proportion to their cry for cash; I very likely might have a word
  or two to say on the subject。  If its funds were lavished in
  patronage and show; instead of being honestly expended in providing
  small annuities for hard…working people who have themselves
  contributed to its funds … if its management were intrusted to
  people who could by no possibility know anything about it; instead
  of being invested in plain; business; practical hands … if it
  hoarded when it ought to spend … if it got by cringing and fawning
  what it never deserved; I might possibly impress you very much by
  my indignation。  If its managers could tell me that it was
  insolvent; that it was in a hopeless condition; that its accounts
  had been kept by Mr。 Edmunds … or by 〃Tom;〃 … if its treasurer had
  run away with the money…box; then I might have made a pathetic
  appeal to your feelings。  But I have no such chance。  Just as a
  nation is happy whose records are barren; so is a society fortunate
  that has no history … and its president unfortunate。  I can only
  assure you that this society continues its plain; unobtrusive;
  useful career。  I can only assure you that it does a great deal of
  good at a very small cost; and that the objects of its care and the
  bulk of its members are faithful working servants of the public …
  sole ministers of their wants at untimely hours; in all seasons;
  and in all weathers; at their own doors; at the street…corners; at
  every railway train; at every steam…boat; through the agency of
  every establishment and the tiniest little shops; and that; whether
  regarded as master or as man; their profits are very modest and
  their risks numerous; while their trouble and responsibility are
  very great。
  The newsvendors and newsmen are a very subordinate part of that
  wonderful engine … the newspaper press。  Still I think we all know
  very well that they are to the fountain…head what a good service of
  water pipes is to a good water supply。  Just as a goodly store of
  water at Watford would be a tantalization to thirsty London if it
  were not brought into town for its use; so any amount of news
  accumulated at Printing…house Square; or Fleet Street; or the
  Strand; would be if there were no skill and enterprise engaged in
  its dissemination。
  We are all of us in the habit of saying in our every…day life; that
  〃We never know the value of anything until we lose it。〃  Let us try
  the newsvendors by the test。  A few years ago we discovered one
  morning that there was a strike among the cab…drivers。  Now; let us
  imagine a strike of newsmen。  Imagine the trains waiting in vain
  for the newspapers。  Imagine all sorts and conditions of men dying
  to know the shipping news; the commercial news; the foreign news;
  the legal news; the criminal news; the dramatic news。  Imagine the
  paralysis on all the provincial exchanges; the silence and
  desertion of all the newsmen's exchanges in London。  Imagine the
  circulation of the blood of the nation and of the country standing
  still; … the clock of the world。  Why; even Mr。 Reuter; the great
  Reuter … whom I am always glad to imagine slumbering at night by
  the side of Mrs。 Reuter; with a galvanic battery under his bolster;
  bell and wires to the head of his bed; and bells at each ear …
  think how even he would click and flash those wondrous dispatches
  of his; and how they would become mere nothing without the activity
  and honesty which catch up the threads and stitches of the electric
  needle; and scatter them over the land。
  It is curious to consider … and the thought occurred to me this
  day; when I was out for a stroll pondering over the duties of this
  evening; which even then were looming in the distance; but not
  quite so far off as I could wish … I found it very curious to
  consider that though the newsman must be allowed to be a very
  unpicturesque rendering of Mercury; or Fame; or what…not
  conventional messenger from the clouds; and although we must allow
  that he is of this earth; and has a good deal of it on his boots;
  still that he has two very remarkable characteristics; to which
  none of his celestial predecessors can lay the slightest claim。
  One is that he is always the messenger of civilization; the other
  that he is at least equally so … not only in what he brings; but in
  what he ceases to bring。  Thus the time was; and not so many years
  ago either; when the newsman constantly brought home to our doors …
  though I am afraid not to our hearts; which were custom…hardened …
  the most terrific accounts of murders; of our fellow…creatures
  being publicly put to death for what we now call trivial offences;
  in the very heart of London; regularly every Monday morning。  At
  the same time the newsman regularly brought to us the infliction of
  other punishments; which were demoralising to the innocent part of
  the community; while they did not operate as punishments in
  deterring offenders from the perpetration of crimes。  In those same
  days; also; the newsman brought to