第 17 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2022-08-21 16:34      字数:9319
  Norwegian; two Czechs; a German and myself to visit his trains; together
  with Radek; in the hope that Radek would induce Lenin to visit them; in
  which      case   Lenin     would     be   kinematographed          for  the   delight    of   the
  … Page 52…
  villagers;    and    possibly    the   Central    Committee      would;     if  Lenin   were
  interested; lend them more lively support。
  We    walked     along    the   〃Lenin〃     first;  at  Burov's    special    request。
  Burov;   it   seems;   has   only   recently   escaped   from   what   he   considered   a
  bitter affliction due to the Department of Proletarian Culture; who; in the
  beginning; for the
  decoration of his trains; had delivered him bound hand and foot to a
  number of Futurists。        For that reason he wanted us to see the 〃Lenin〃 first;
  in order that we might compare it with the result of his emancipation; the
  〃Red Cossack;〃 painted when the artists 〃had been brought under proper
  control。〃     The 〃Lenin〃 had been painted a year and a half ago; when; as
  fading hoarding in the streets of Moscow still testify; revolutionary art was
  dominated by  the   Futurist   movement。            Every  carriage is decorated   with
  most striking but not very comprehensible pictures in the brightest colors;
  and   the   proletariat   was   called   upon   to   enjoy   what   the   pre…revolutionary
  artistic public had for the most part failed to understand。                Its pictures are
  〃art for art's sake;〃 and cannot have done more than astonish; and perhaps
  terrify; the peasants and the workmen of the country towns who had the
  luck to see them。        The 〃Red Cossack〃 is quite different。 As Burov put it
  with deep satisfaction; 〃At first we were in the artists' hands; and now the
  artists    are   in  our   hands;〃     a  sentence     suggesting      the   most    horrible
  possibilities   of   official   art   under   socialism;   although;   of   course;   bad   art
  flourishes pretty well even under other systems。
  I inquired exactly  how Burov and his friends kept the artists in   the
  right way; and received the fullest explanation。                The political section of
  the organization works out the main idea and aim for each picture; which
  covers   the   whole   side   of   a   wagon。     This   idea   is   then   submitted   to   a
  〃collective〃   of   artists;   who   are   jointly   responsible   for   its   realization   in
  paint。    The artists compete with each other for a prize which is awarded
  for the best design; the judges being the artists themselves。                It is the art of
  the   poster;   art   with   a   purpose   of   the   most   definite   kind。   The   result   is
  sometimes       amusing;     interesting;    startling;   but;   whatever     else   it  does;
  hammers home a plain idea。
  … Page 53…
  Thus the picture on the side of one wagon is divided into two sections。
  On the left is a representation of the peasants and workmen of the Soviet
  Republic。       Under it are the words; 〃Let us not find ourselves again。。。〃 and
  then; in gigantic lettering under the right…hand section of the picture; 〃。。。 in
  the HEAVEN OF THE WHITES。〃                      This heaven is
  shown   by   an   epauletted   officer   hitting   a   soldier   in   the   face;   as   was
  done      in  the   Tsar's    army    and    in   at  least   one    army     of   the   counter
  revolutionaries; and workmen tied to stakes; as was done by the Whites in
  certain towns in the south。           Then another wagon illustrating the methods
  of Tsardom;   with   a   State   vodka   shop   selling   its   wares   to   wretched   folk;
  who;   when   drunk   on   the   State   vodka;   are   flogged   by   the   State   police。
  Then there is a wagon showing the different Cossacks…of the Don; Terek;
  Kuban;   Ural…riding   in   pairs。   The   Cossack   infantry   is   represented   on   the
  other   side   of   this   wagon。    On   another   wagon   is   a   very   jolly   picture   of
  Stenka Razin in his boat with little old…fashioned brass cannon; rowing up
  the river。     Underneath is written the words: 〃I attack only the rich; with
  the   poor   I   divide   everything。〃      On   one   side   are   the   poor   folk   running
  from their huts to join him; on the other the rich folk firing at him from
  their    castle。   One     wagon      is  treated   purely    decoratively;     with    a  broad
  effective      characteristically       South     Russian      design;     framing      a   huge
  inscription   to   the   effect   that   the   Cossacks   need   not   fear   that   the   Soviet
  Republic   will   interfere   with   their   religion;   since   under   its   regime   every
  man   is    to   be  free   to  believe   exactly   what   he     likes。   Then    there   is  an
  entertaining   wagon;   showing   Kolchak   sitting   inside   a   fence   in   Siberia
  with a Red soldier on guard; Judenitch sitting in a little circle with a sign…
  post   to   show   it   is  Esthonia;   and   Denikin   running   at   full   speed   to   the
  asylum   indicated   by   another   sign…post   on   which   is   the   crescent   of   the
  Turkish   Empire。   Another   lively   picture   shows   the   young   Cossack   girls
  learning   to   read;   with   a   most   realistic   old   Cossack   woman   telling   them
  they   had   better   not。    But   there   is   no   point   in   describing   every   wagon。
  There are sixteen wagons in the 〃Red Cossack;〃 and every one is painted
  all over on both sides。
  The   internal   arrangements   of   the   train   are   a   sufficient   proof       that
  Russians   are   capable   of   organization   if   they   set   their   minds   to   it。    We
  … Page 54…
  went     through    it;  wagon    by   wagon。      One     wagon     contains    a  wireless
  telegraphy station capable of receiving news from such distant stations as
  those of Carnarvon or Lyons。            Another is fitted up as a newspaper office;
  with a mechanical press capable of printing an edition of fifteen thousand
  daily; so that the district served by the train; however out of the way; gets
  its   news   simultaneously  with Moscow;   many  days   sometimes   before   the
  belated Izvestia
  or Pravda finds its way to them。            And with its latest news it gets its
  latest   propaganda;   and   in   order   to   get   the   one   it   cannot   help   getting   the
  other。    Next door to that there is a kinematograph wagon; with benches to
  seat about one hundred and fifty persons。               But indoor performances are
  only given to children; who must come during the daytime; or in summer
  when the evenings are too light to permit an open air performance。                    In the
  ordinary way; at night; a great screen is fixed up in the open。                 There is a
  special     hole   cut   in   the   side   of   the   wagon;     and    through     this  the
  kinematograph        throws    its  picture   on   the  great   screen   outside;    so  that
  several thousands can see it at once。            The enthusiastic Burov insisted on
  working through a couple of films   for us; showing the Communists boy
  scouts   in   their   country   camps;   children's   meetings   in   Petrograd;   and   the
  big demonstrations   of last   year  in honor  of  the Third   International。            He
  was extremely disappointed that Radek; being in a hurry; refused to wait
  for a performance of 〃The Father and his Son;〃 a drama which; he assured
  us with tears in his eyes; was so thrilling that we should not regret being
  late for our appointments if we stayed to witness it。                 Another wagon is
  fitted   up   as  an   electric   power…station;     lighting    the  train;  working     the
  kinematograph and the printing machine;etc。                 Then there is a clean little
  kitchen and dining…room; where; before being kinematographed…a horrible
  experience when one is first quite seriously begged (of course by Burov)
  to   assume   an   expression   of   intelligent   interest…we   had   soup;   a   plate   of
  meat   and   cabbage;   and   tea。     Then   there   is   a   wagon   bookshop;   where;
  while customers buy books; a gramophone sings the revolutionary songs
  of Demian Bledny; or speaks with the eloquence ofTrotsky or the logic of
  Lenin。     Other wagons are the living…rooms of the personnel; divided up
  according      to  their  duties…political;    military;   instructional;