第 7 节
作者:缘圆      更新:2022-08-21 16:34      字数:9318
  〃I tell you; Bududreen; that it will be quite safe;〃 the tall Malay was
  saying。     〃You   yourself   tell   me   that   none   knows   of   the   whereabouts   of
  these white men; and if they do not return your word will be accepted as to
  their fate。    Your reward will be great if you bring the girl to me; and if
  you doubt the loyalty of any of your own people a kris will silence them as
  effectually as it will silence the white men。〃
  〃It is not fear of the white men; oh; Rajah Muda Saffir; that deters me;〃
  … Page 23…
  said   Bududreen;   〃but   how   shall   I   know   that   after   I   have   come   to   your
  country  with   the girl   I   shall   not   myself   be set   upon   and silenced   with   a
  golden kristhere be many that will be jealous of the great service I have
  done for the mighty rajah。〃
  Muda       Saffir    knew      perfectly     well    that    Bududreen       had     but
  diplomatically expressed a fear as to his own royal trustworthiness; but it
  did not anger him; since the charge was not a direct one; but what he did
  not know was of the heavy chest and Bududreen's desire to win the price
  of the girl and yet be able to save for himself a chance at the far greater
  fortune which he knew lay beneath that heavy oaken lid。
  Both men had arisen now and were walking across the beach toward a
  small; native canoe in which Muda Saffir had come to the meeting place。
  They were out of earshot before either spoke again; so that what further
  passed between them Sing could not even guess; but he had heard enough
  to confirm the suspicions he had entertained for a long while。
  He did not fish for gulls that day。          Bududreen and Muda Saffir stood
  talking upon the beach; and the Chinaman did not dare venture forth for
  fear   they   might   suspect   that   he   had   overheard   them。     If   old   Sing   Lee
  knew     his   Malays;    he   was   also   wise    enough    to  give    them   credit   for
  knowing their Chinamen; so he waited quietly in hiding until Muda Saffir
  had left; and Bududreen returned to camp。
  Professor   Maxon   and   von   Horn   were   standing   over   one   of   the   six
  vats   that   were   arranged   in   two   rows   down   the   center   of   the   laboratory。
  The professor had been more communicative and agreeable today than for
  some      time   past;   and    their   conversation      had   assumed      more    of   the
  familiarity that had marked it during the first month of their acquaintance
  at Singapore。
  〃And   what   of   these   first   who   are   so   imperfect?〃   asked   von   Horn。
  〃You   cannot   take   them   into   civilization;   nor   would   it   be   right   to   leave
  them here upon this island。 What will you do with them?〃
  Professor Maxon pondered the question for a moment。
  〃I have given the matter but little thought;〃 he said at length。                〃They
  are but the accidents of my great work。              It is unfortunate that they are as
  they are; but without them I could have never reached the perfection that I
  … Page 24…
  am sure we are to find here;〃 and he tapped lovingly upon the heavy glass
  cover of the vat before which he stood。             〃And this is but the beginning。
  There   can    be   no  more    mistakes    now;   though    I  doubt   if  we   can   ever
  improve upon that which is so rapidly developing here。〃 Again he passed
  his long; slender hand caressingly over the coffin…like vat at the head of
  which was a placard bearing the words; NUMBER THIRTEEN。
  〃But    the  others;   Professor!〃    insisted   von   Horn。    〃We    must   decide。
  Already they have become a problem of no small dimensions。                     Yesterday
  Number Five desired some plantains that I had given to Number Seven。                      I
  tried to reason with him; but; as you know; he is mentally defective; and
  for   answer   he   rushed   at   Number   Seven   to   tear   the   coveted   morsel   from
  him。     The   result   was   a   battle   royal   that   might   have   put   to   shame   two
  Bengal tigers。       Twelve is tractable and intelligent。          With his assistance
  and my bull whip I succeeded in separating them before either was killed。
  Your   greatest   error   was   in   striving   at   first   for   such   physical   perfection。
  You have overdone it; with the result that the court of mystery is peopled
  by a dozen brutes of awful muscularity; and scarcely enough brain among
  the dozen to equip three properly。〃
  〃They are as they are;〃 replied the professor。 〃I shall do for them what
  I canwhen I am gone they must look to themselves。                   I can see no way
  out of it。〃
  〃What you have given you may take away;〃 said von Horn; in a low
  Professor     Maxon      shuddered。       Those      three   horrid    days   in   the
  workshop at Ithaca flooded his memory with all the gruesome details he
  had   tried   for   so   many   months   to   forget。   The   haunting   ghosts   of   the
  mental anguish that had left him an altered manso altered that there were
  times when he had feared for his sanity!
  〃No; no!〃 he almost shouted。          〃It would be murder。 They are〃
  〃They are THINGS;〃 interrupted von Horn。                 〃They are not human
  they are not even beast。        They are terrible; soulless creatures。         You have
  no   right   to   permit   them   to   live   longer   than   to   substantiate   your   theory。
  None but us knows of their existenceno other need know of their passing。
  It must be done。       They are a constant and growing menace to us all; but
  … Page 25…
  most of all to your daughter。〃
  A cunning look came into the professor's eyes。
  〃I   understand;〃   he   said。    〃The   precedent   once   established;   all   must
  perish   by   its   edicteven   those   which   may   not   be   grotesque   or   bestial
  even this perfect one;〃 and he touched again the vat; 〃and thus you would
  rid yourself of rival suitors。 But no!〃 he went on in a high; trembling voice。
  〃I   shall   not   be   led   to   thus   compromise   myself;   and   be   thwarted   in   my
  cherished plan。 Be this one what he may he shall wed my daughter!〃
  The man had raised himself upon his toes as he reached his climax
  his clenched hand was high above his head his voice fairly thundered out
  the final sentence; and with the last word he brought his fist down upon
  the vat before him。       In his eyes blazed the light of unchained madness。
  Von Horn was a brave man; but he shuddered at the maniacal ferocity
  of the older man; and shrank back。 The futility of argument was apparent;
  and he turned and left the workshop。
  Sing    Lee   was   late   that   night。  In   fact   he   did   not   return  from   his
  fruitless quest for gulls until well after dark; nor would he vouchsafe any
  explanation of the consequent lateness of supper。               Nor could he be found
  shortly after the evening meal when Virginia sought him。
  Not until the camp was wrapped in the quiet of slumber did Sing Lee
  returnstealthy and mysteriousto creep under cover of a moonless night
  to   the   door   of   the   workshop。   How   he   gained   entrance   only   Sing   Lee
  knows;   but   a   moment   later   there   was   a   muffled   crash   of   broken   glass
  within the laboratory; and the Chinaman had slipped out; relocked the door;
  and   scurried   to   his   nearby   shack。    But   there   was   no   occasion   for   his
  haste no other ear than his had heard the sound within the workshop。
  It was almost nine the following morning before Professor Maxon and
  von   Horn   entered   the   laboratory。   Scarcely  had   the older   man   passed   the
  doorway       than   he  drew    up   his  hands    in  horrified    consternation。     Vat
  Number Thirteen lay dashed to the floorthe glass cover was broken to a
  million     piecesa     sticky;   brownish      substance      covered     the   matting。
  Professor Maxon hid his face in his hands。
  〃God!〃 he cried。       〃It is all ruined。    Three more days would have〃
  〃Look!〃 cried von Horn。          〃It is not too soon。〃
  … Page 26…
  Professor Maxon mustered courage to raise his   eyes from his   hands;
  and there he beheld; seated in a far corner of the room a handsome giant;
  physically      perfect。     The