第 5 节
作者:丢丢      更新:2022-08-21 16:33      字数:5052
  CRITIAS:  Certainly not; I think。
  SOCRATES:  And will not hearing be useful for virtue; if virtue is taught
  by hearing and we use the sense of hearing in giving instruction?
  CRITIAS:  Yes。
  SOCRATES:  And since medicine frees the sick man from his disease; that art
  too may sometimes appear useful in the acquisition of virtue; e。g。 when
  hearing is procured by the aid of medicine。
  CRITIAS:  Very likely。
  SOCRATES:  But if; again; we obtain by wealth the aid of medicine; shall we
  not regard wealth as useful for virtue?
  CRITIAS:  True。
  SOCRATES:  And also the instruments by which wealth is procured?
  CRITIAS:  Certainly。
  SOCRATES:  Then you think that a man may gain wealth by bad and disgraceful
  means; and; having obtained the aid of medicine which enables him to
  acquire the power of hearing; may use that very faculty for the acquisition
  of virtue?
  CRITIAS:  Yes; I do。
  SOCRATES:  But can that which is evil be useful for virtue?
  SOCRATES:  It is not therefore necessary that the means by which we obtain
  what is useful for a certain object should always be useful for the same
  object:  for it seems that bad actions may sometimes serve good purposes?
  The matter will be still plainer if we look at it in this way:If things
  are useful towards the several ends for which they exist; which ends would
  not come into existence without them; how would you regard them?  Can
  ignorance; for instance; be useful for knowledge; or disease for health; or
  vice for virtue?
  CRITIAS:  Never。
  SOCRATES:  And yet we have already agreedhave we not?that there can be
  no knowledge where there has not previously been ignorance; nor health
  where there has not been disease; nor virtue where there has not been vice?
  CRITIAS:  I think that we have。
  SOCRATES:  But then it would seem that the antecedents without which a
  thing cannot exist are not necessarily useful to it。  Otherwise ignorance
  would appear useful for knowledge; disease for health; and vice for virtue。
  Critias still showed great reluctance to accept any argument which went to
  prove that all these things were useless。  I saw that it was as difficult
  to persuade him as (according to the proverb) it is to boil a stone; so I
  said:  Let us bid 'good…bye' to the discussion; since we cannot agree
  whether these things are useful and a part of wealth or not。  But what
  shall we say to another question:  Which is the happier and better man;he
  who requires the greatest quantity of necessaries for body and diet; or he
  who requires only the fewest and least?  The answer will perhaps become
  more obvious if we suppose some one; comparing the man himself at different
  times; to consider whether his condition is better when he is sick or when
  he is well?
  CRITIAS:  That is not a question which needs much consideration。
  SOCRATES:  Probably; I said; every one can understand that health is a
  better condition than disease。  But when have we the greatest and the most
  various needs; when we are sick or when we are well?
  CRITIAS:  When we are sick。
  SOCRATES:  And when we are in the worst state we have the greatest and most
  especial need and desire of bodily pleasures?
  CRITIAS:  True。
  SOCRATES:  And seeing that a man is best off when he is least in need of
  such things; does not the same reasoning apply to the case of any two
  persons; of whom one has many and great wants and desires; and the other
  few and moderate?  For instance; some men are gamblers; some drunkards; and
  some gluttons:  and gambling and the love of drink and greediness are all
  CRITIAS:  Certainly。
  SOCRATES:  But desires are only the lack of something:  and those who have
  the greatest desires are in a worse condition than those who have none or
  very slight ones?
  CRITIAS:  Certainly I consider that those who have such wants are bad; and
  that the greater their wants the worse they are。
  SOCRATES:  And do we think it possible that a thing should be useful for a
  purpose unless we have need of it for that purpose?
  SOCRATES:  Then if these things are useful for supplying the needs of the
  body; we must want them for that purpose?
  CRITIAS:  That is my opinion。
  SOCRATES:  And he to whom the greatest number of things are useful for his
  purpose; will also want the greatest number of means of accomplishing it;
  supposing that we necessarily feel the want of all useful things?
  CRITIAS:  It seems so。
  SOCRATES:  The argument proves then that he who has great riches has
  likewise need of many things for the supply of the wants of the body; for
  wealth appears useful towards that end。  And the richest must be in the
  worst condition; since they seem to be most in want of such things。