第 1 节
作者:丢丢      更新:2022-08-21 16:33      字数:9322
  by a Platonic Imitator (see Appendix II)
  Translated by Benjamin Jowett
  The two dialogues which are translated in the second appendix are not
  mentioned by Aristotle; or by any early authority; and have no claim to be
  ascribed to Plato。  They are examples of Platonic dialogues to be assigned
  probably to the second or third generation after Plato; when his writings
  were well known at Athens and Alexandria。  They exhibit considerable
  originality; and are remarkable for containing several thoughts of the sort
  which we suppose to be modern rather than ancient; and which therefore have
  a peculiar interest for us。  The Second Alcibiades shows that the
  difficulties about prayer which have perplexed Christian theologians were
  not unknown among the followers of Plato。  The Eryxias was doubted by the
  ancients themselves:  yet it may claim the distinction of being; among all
  Greek or Roman writings; the one which anticipates in the most striking
  manner the modern science of political economy and gives an abstract form
  to some of its principal doctrines。
  For the translation of these two dialogues I am indebted to my friend and
  secretary; Mr。 Knight。
  That the Dialogue which goes by the name of the Second Alcibiades is a
  genuine writing of Plato will not be maintained by any modern critic; and
  was hardly believed by the ancients themselves。  The dialectic is poor and
  weak。  There is no power over language; or beauty of style; and there is a
  certain abruptness and agroikia in the conversation; which is very un…
  Platonic。  The best passage is probably that about the poets:the remark
  that the poet; who is of a reserved disposition; is uncommonly difficult to
  understand; and the ridiculous interpretation of Homer; are entirely in the
  spirit of Plato (compare Protag; Ion; Apol。)。  The characters are ill…
  drawn。  Socrates assumes the 'superior person' and preaches too much; while
  Alcibiades is stupid and heavy…in…hand。  There are traces of Stoic
  influence in the general tone and phraseology of the Dialogue (compare opos
  melesei tis。。。kaka:  oti pas aphron mainetai):  and the writer seems to
  have been acquainted with the 'Laws' of Plato (compare Laws)。  An incident
  from the Symposium is rather clumsily introduced; and two somewhat
  hackneyed quotations (Symp。; Gorg。) recur。  The reference to the death of
  Archelaus as having occurred 'quite lately' is only a fiction; probably
  suggested by the Gorgias; where the story of Archelaus is told; and a
  similar phrase occurs;ta gar echthes kai proen gegonota tauta; k。t。l。
  There are several passages which are either corrupt or extremely ill…
  expressed。  But there is a modern interest in the subject of the dialogue;
  and it is a good example of a short spurious work; which may be attributed
  to the second or third century before Christ。
  Platonic Imitator (see Appendix II above)
  Translated by Benjamin Jowett
  Much cannot be said in praise of the style or conception of the Eryxias。
  It is frequently obscure; like the exercise of a student; it is full of
  small imitations of Plato:Phaeax returning from an expedition to Sicily
  (compare Socrates in the Charmides from the army at Potidaea); the figure
  of the game at draughts; borrowed from the Republic; etc。  It has also in
  many passages the ring of sophistry。  On the other hand; the rather
  unhandsome treatment which is exhibited towards Prodicus is quite unlike
  the urbanity of Plato。
  Yet there are some points in the argument which are deserving of attention。
  (1) That wealth depends upon the need of it or demand for it; is the first
  anticipation in an abstract form of one of the great principles of modern
  political economy; and the nearest approach to it to be found in an ancient
  writer。  (2) The resolution of wealth into its simplest implements going on
  to infinity is a subtle and refined thought。  (3) That wealth is relative
  to circumstances is a sound conception。  (4) That the arts and sciences
  which receive payment are likewise to be comprehended under the notion of
  wealth; also touches a question of modern political economy。  (5) The
  distinction of post hoc and propter hoc; often lost sight of in modern as
  well as in ancient times。  These metaphysical conceptions and distinctions
  show considerable power of thought in the writer; whatever we may think of
  his merits as an imitator of Plato。
  Platonic Imitator (see Appendix II above)
  Translated by Benjamin Jowett
  PERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE:  Socrates; Eryxias; Erasistratus; Critias。
  SCENE:  The portico of a temple of Zeus。
  It happened by chance that Eryxias the Steirian was walking with me in the
  Portico of Zeus the Deliverer; when there came up to us Critias and
  Erasistratus; the latter the son of Phaeax; who was the nephew of
  Erasistratus。  Now Erasistratus had just arrived from Sicily and that part
  of the world。  As they approached; he said; Hail; Socrates!
  SOCRATES:  The same to you; I said; have you any good news from Sicily to
  tell us?
  ERASISTRATUS:  Most excellent。  But; if you please; let us first sit down;
  for I am tired with my yesterday's journey from Megara。
  SOCRATES:  Gladly; if that is your desire。
  ERASISTRATUS:  What would you wish to hear first? he said。  What the
  Sicilians are doing; or how they are disposed towards our city?  To my
  mind; they are very like wasps:  so long as you only cause them a little
  annoyance they are quite unmanageable; you must destroy their nests if you
  wish to get the better of them。  And in a similar way; the Syracusans;
  unless we set to work in earnest; and go against them with a great
  expedition; will never submit to our rule。  The petty injuries which we at
  present inflict merely irritate them enough to make them utterly
  intractable。  And now they have sent ambassadors to Athens; and intend; I
  suspect; to play us some trick。While we were talking; the Syracusan
  envoys chanced to go by; and Erasistratus; pointing to one of them; said to
  me; That; Socrates; is the richest man in all Italy and Sicily。  For who
  has larger estates or more land at his disposal to cultivate if he please?
  And they are of a quality; too; finer than any other land in Hellas。
  Moreover; he has all the things which go to make up wealth; slaves and
  horses innumerable; gold and silver without end。
  I saw that he was inclined to expatiate on the riches of the man; so I
  asked him; Well; Erasistratus; and what sort of character does he bear in
  ERASISTRATUS:  He is esteemed to be; and really is; the wickedest of all
  the Sicilians and Italians; and even more wicked than he is rich; indeed;
  if you were to ask any Sicilian whom he thought to be the worst and the
  richest of mankind; you would never hear any one else named。
  I reflected that we were speaking; not of trivial matters; but about wealth
  and virtue; which are deemed to be of the greatest moment; and I asked
  Erasistratus whom he considered the wealthier;he who was the possessor of
  a talent of silver or he who had a field worth two talents?
  ERASISTRATUS:  The owner of the field。
  SOCRATES:  And on the same principle he who had robes and bedding and such
  things which are of greater value to him than to a stranger would be richer
  than the stranger?
  SOCRATES:  And if any one gave you a choice; which of these would you
  ERASISTRATUS:  That which was most valuable。
  SOCRATES:  In which way do you think you would be the richer?
  ERASISTRATUS:  By choosing as I said。
  SOCRATES:  And he appears to you to be the richest who has goods of the
  greatest value?
  SOCRATES:  And are not the healthy richer than the sick; since health is a
  possession more valuable than riches to the sick?  Surely there is no one
  who would not prefer to be poor and well; rather than to have all the King
  of Persia's wealth and to be ill。  And this proves that men set health
  above wealth; else they would never choose the one in preference to the
  SOCRATES:  And if anything appeared to be more valuable than health; he
  would be the richest who possessed it?
  ERASISTRATUS:  He would。
  SOCRATES:  Suppose that some one came to us at this moment and were to ask;
  Well; Socrates and Eryxias and Erasistratus; can you tell me what is of the
  greatest value to men?  Is it not that of which the possession will best
  enable a man to advise how his own and his friend's affairs should be
  administered?What will be our reply?
  ERASISTRATUS:  I should say; Socrates; that happiness was the most precious
  of human possessions。
  SOCRATES:  Not a bad answer。  But do we not deem those men who are most
  prosperous to be the happiest?
  ERASISTRATUS:  That is my opinion。