第 4 节
作者:津股巡览      更新:2022-08-21 16:32      字数:2365
  …May God again have mercy upon us!''
  * * * * * * *
  ‘‘Here;'' said Maxwell; ‘‘the journal with which I have opened the
  narration ends somewhat abruptly。''
  ‘‘I am glad of it;'' said Lady Ratcliff。
  ‘‘But; Mr。 Maxwell;'' said young Frank; Sir Henry's grandchild; ‘‘shall
  we not hear how the battle ended?''
  I do not know; cousin; whether I have not formerly made you acquainted
  with the abilities of Frank Ratcliff。 There is not a battle fought between
  the troops of the Prince and of the Government; during the years 17456;
  of which he is not able to give an account。 It is true; I have taken particular
  pains to fix the events of this important period upon his memory by
  frequent repetition。
  ‘‘No; my dear;'' said Maxwell; in answer to young Frank Ratcliff…‘‘No;
  my dear; I cannot tell you the exact particulars of the engagement; but its
  consequences appear from the following letter; despatched by Garbonete
  Von Eulen; daughter of our journalist; to a relation in England; from whom
  she implored assistance。 After some general account of the purpose of
  the voyage; and of the engagement; her narrative proceeds thus:…
  ‘‘The noise of the cannon had hardly ceased; before the sounds of a
  language to me but half known; and the confusion on board our vessel; informed
  me that the captors had boarded us; and taken possession of our
  vessel。 I went on deck; where the first spectacle that met my eyes was a
  young man; mate of our vessel; who; though disfigured and covered with
  blood; was loaded with irons; and whom they were forcing over the side of
  the vessel into a boat。 The two principal persons among our enemies
  appeared to be a man of a tall thin figure; with a high…crowned hat and
  long neckband; and short…cropped head of hair; accompanied by a bluff
  open…looking elderly man in a naval uniform。 ‘Yarely! yarely! pull
  away; my hearts!' said the latter; and the boat bearing the unlucky young
  man soon carried him on board the frigate。 Perhaps you will blame me
  for mentioning this circumstance; but consider; my dear cousin; this man
  saved my life; and his fate; even when my own and my father's were in the
  balance; could not but affect me nearly。
  ‘‘ ‘In the name of him who is jealous; even to slaying;' said the first''…
  * * * *