第 5 节
作者:痛罚      更新:2022-07-12 16:20      字数:9322
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  Messer Marco Polo
  So Marco Polo goes over and salutes him politely。
  〃I wonder if you mind my sitting down by you for a while;〃 he says。 〃I
  perceive you're from China。〃
  The sea…captain waves him politely to his place。
  〃I'm from China。〃        He smiles。      〃You guessed right。〃
  〃Is it long since you've been in China?〃
  〃Well; that depends upon what you call long;〃 says the captain。 〃If you
  mean time;   it's one thing。        If you   mean voyage;   it's another。   For   you've
  got   to   take   into   account;〃   says   he;   〃adverse   winds;   roundabout   turns   to
  avoid   currents;   possible   delays   to   have   the   ship   scraped   free   from   the
  parasite life that does be attaching itself to the strakes; time spent in barter
  and    trade。    Other     matters;    too;   the  attacks    of  pirates;   cross…grained
  princes who don't want you to be leaving their ports with a good cargo in
  your hold; sickness; loss of sails and masts; repairs to the ship。                It wasn't
  a short journey and it wasn't a long one。〃
  〃It will be a long ways to China; I'm thinking。〃
  〃I can tell you how long it is from China to here; and you can reverse
  that; and you will get a fair idea of how long it is from here to China。                    I
  left Zeitoon with a cargo of porcelain for Japan; and traded it for gold…dust;
  and from Japan I went to Chamba to lay in a store of chessmen and pen…
  cases。    And from Chamba I sailed to Java; which is the greatest island in
  the    world。    Java     is  fifteen  hundred     miles    from    Chamba;      south   and
  southeast;   and   it   took   me   four   months   sailing;   but   a   sea…captain   cannot
  pass Java by; for it is the chief place for black pepper; nutmegs; spikenard;
  galingale; cubebs; doves; and all the spices that grow。
  〃And   I   stopped   at   various   small   islands   from   there;   until   I   came   to
  Basma;      which    is  the  island   of  the   unicorns。    And     there   we   trade   in
  pygmies; which   ignorant people   think   are human   folk。             They  are   just   a
  wee   monkey;   with   all   the   hair   plucked   out   except   the   hair   of   the   beard。
  There is great money in them。
  〃I stopped   at Sumatra   for cocoanuts   and toddy;  and just   for water   at
  Dragoian。      Dragoian is not a  good city。          It is   filled with sorcerers   who
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  Messer Marco Polo
  have tattooed faces。        At Lambri I put in for the sago you buy from the
  hairy men with tails。
  〃Son; never stop at the isle of Andaman。              The men there have faces
  like dogs。     They are a cruel generation; and eat every one they can catch。
  I could tell you a story; but I would not spoil this fine spring night。                Go
  rather   to   the   island   of   Ceylon;   and   see   the   King's   Ruby;   which   is   the
  greatest   jewel in the   world。      I   stopped there   and   at   Coromandel   for   the
  pearls the divers go down in the sea for; and there are no clothes on that
  island; so that every one goes naked as a fish。            And there is the shrine of
  Saint Thomas。        I was there。
  〃Gujarat; Tana; I stopped there。          The Male and Female Islands I put
  into for ambergris。       Svestra; which is full of magicians  I was there; too。
  Madagascar   and   Zanzibar;   where   they   live   on   camel   flesh;   I   was   there。
  And   from   Zanzibar   I   came   north   to Abyssinia;   because   I   had   to   get   an
  ostrich there for the King of Siam。          And there was a letter and a parcel for
  the Sultan of Egypt。       So I went to Cairo。       I had a month on my hands; so
  I thought I'd run over and see Venice; because it's a hobby of mine; you
  might say; to see the world。
  〃Now let me reckon。         Four and three makes seven; and four more are
  eleven; and six are seventeen; and let us say nine with that; and you have
  twenty…six。      And     the  month    I'm   forgettng    on  the   rocks   of   Aden     is
  twenty…seven; and a week here and a week there for bad winds and such
  like。   It would be safe to put that at three months。            So it's two years and
  a half since I left China。〃
  〃You never;〃 says young Marco; 〃met anybody in China by the name
  of Polo?〃
  〃Poh…lo?      Poh…lo?     China's   a   bigger   place   nor   you   would   imagine;
  laddie。    There's half a hundred million people there。〃
  〃These   were   foreigners;〃   Marco   explained;   〃traders。        They   were   at
  the court of the great Khan。〃
  〃Polo?     Polo?     Well; now; I think I've heard of them。             Was one of
  them a big red…bearded man with a great eye for a horse and a great eye
  for a woman?〃
  〃That would be my Uncle Matthew。〃
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  Messer Marco Polo
  〃For God's sake!        And was the other a cold; dark man; a good judge
  of a jewel and a grand judge of a sword?〃
  〃My father; Nicholas Polo。〃
  〃For God's sake!        You're the son of one and the nephew of the other?〃
  〃Did you know them?〃
  〃Ah; laddie; how would I be knowing people like that!                   Sure; they're
  great   folks;   high   in   the   esteem   of   the   grand   Khan;   and   I'm   only   a   poor
  〃But you heard of them。〃
  〃I heard of them。       They were in good health。           And I heard they were
  on   their   way   home;   though   they   would   travel   overland   and   not   risk   the
  great dangers of the sea。          I suppose; if they go back to China; you'll be
  going with them?〃
  〃I don't know;〃 says Marco Polo。
  〃You ought to see China。          It's a great country; a beautiful country。〃
  〃It would have to be very great and beautiful;〃 says Marco Polo; 〃to
  out…weigh the greatness and the beauty that are here。                  You mustn't think
  I'm running down your country; mister;〃 says he; 〃but for greatness; where
  is the beating of Venice in this day?             What struck Constantinople like a
  thunderbolt   but   the   mailed   hand   of   Venice?   When   the   Barbary   corsairs
  roamed the seven seas; so that it was no more safe for a merchant vessel to
  be   sailing   than   for   a   babe   to   be   walking   through   a   wild   jungle;   it   was
  Venice who accepted the challenge and made the great sea as peaceful as
  the Grand Canal。        Who humbled proud Genoa?               And hurled the Saracen
  from Saint John of Acre's walls? Venice。                And as for magnificence; the
  retinue of our doge when he goes to marry the sea with a ring it makes the
  court of Lorenzo seem like a huckster's train。〃
  〃It is a crowning city。〃
  〃And as for beauty; sir;〃 went on Marco Polo; 〃there is nothing in the
  world   like   San   Marco's;   and   it   ablaze   in   the   setting   sun;   and   the   great
  pillars before it rising in tongues of flame。          And was there ever in all time
  anything      like  the   Grand    Canal    at   the  dusk    of  day;   and   the   torches
  beginning   to   show   like   fireflies;   and   the   lap   of   the   water;   and   stringed
  music;   and   the   great   barges   going   by   like   swans;   now   a   battle…hacked
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  Messer Marco Polo
  captain     of  war;   now    a  great   gracious    lady?    And     the  moon     does   be
  rising。 。 。
  〃You've sailed all the way from China and seen strange and beautiful
  things;    but  I  remember      one   summer's      day;  when    I  took   out   my   little
  sailing…boat and went out on the water to compose a poem for a lady; and
  the water was blue  oh; as blue as the sky's self; and the sands of the Lido
  were silver; and the water shuffled gently over them; as gently as a child's
  little feet。   And there was a clump of olive…trees there so green as to be
  black; and there alighted before it a great scarlet Egyptian bird。                 And the
  beauty of that brought the tears to my eyes; so that I thought of nuns in
  their   cells   and   barefoot   friars   in   the   hollow   lands;   and   they   striving   for
  paradise。     What      did  I  care   about   paradise?     A   Venetian     I。  So    why
  should I want to go to China?〃
  〃You have made a great case for the grandeur and beauty of Venice;〃
  says the sea…captain。        〃It is lo