第 72 节
作者:温暖寒冬      更新:2022-07-12 16:20      字数:3161
  to be a species of Tiliaceae。
  {21}  Yoshitsune is the most popular hero of Japanese history; and
  the special favourite of boys。  He was the brother of Yoritomo; who
  was appointed by the Mikado in 1192 Sei…i Tai Shogun (barbarian…
  subjugating great general) for his victories; and was the first of
  that series of great Shoguns whom our European notions distorted
  into 〃Temporal Emperors〃 of Japan。  Yoshitsune; to whom the real
  honour of these victories belonged; became the object of the
  jealousy and hatred of his brother; and was hunted from province to
  province; till; according to popular belief; he committed hara…
  kiri; after killing his wife and children; and his head; preserved
  in sake; was sent to his brother at Kamakura。  Scholars; however;
  are not agreed as to the manner; period; or scene of his death。
  Many believe that he escaped to Yezo and lived among the Ainos for
  many years; dying among them at the close of the twelfth century。
  None believe this more firmly than the Ainos themselves; who assert
  that he taught their fathers the arts of civilisation; with letters
  and numbers; and gave them righteous laws; and he is worshipped by
  many of them under a name which signifies Master of the Law。  I
  have been told by old men in Biratori; Usu; and Lebunge; that a
  later Japanese conqueror carried away the books in which the arts
  were written; and that since his time the arts themselves have been
  lost; and the Ainos have fallen into their present condition!  On
  asking why the Ainos do not make vessels of iron and clay as well
  as knives and spears; the invariable answer is; 〃The Japanese took
  away the books。〃
  {22}  The duty paid by junks is 4s。 for each twenty…five tons; by
  foreign ships of foreign shape and rig 2 pounds for each 100 tons;
  and by steamers 3 pounds for each 100 tons。
  {23}  The following very inaccurate but entertaining account of
  this expedition was given by the Yomi…uri…Shimbun; a daily
  newspaper with the largest; though not the most aristocratic;
  circulation in Tokiyo; being taken in by the servants and
  tradespeople。  It is a literal translation made by Mr。 Chamberlain。
  〃The person mentioned in our yesterday's issue as 'an English
  subject of the name of Bird' is a lady from Scotland; a part of
  England。  This lady spends her time in travelling; leaving this
  year the two American continents for a passing visit to the
  Sandwich Islands; and landing in Japan early in the month of May。
  She has toured all over the country; and even made a five months'
  stay in the Hokkaido; investigating the local customs and
  productions。  Her inspection yesterday of the cremation ground at
  Kirigaya is believed to have been prompted by a knowledge of the
  advantages of this method of disposing of the dead; and a desire to
  introduce the same into England(!)  On account of this lady's being
  so learned as to have published a quantity of books; His Excellency
  the Governor was pleased to see her yesterday; and to show her
  great civility; sending her to Kirigaya in his own carriage; a mark
  of attention which is said to have pleased the lady much(!)〃