第 59 节
作者:温暖寒冬      更新:2022-07-12 16:19      字数:9322
  a like purpose; as by the natives of Java; the Bushmen; and certain
  tribes of the Amazon and Orinoco。  The Ainos say that if a man is
  accidentally wounded by a poisoned arrow the only cure is immediate
  excision of the part。
  I do not wonder that the Government has prohibited arrow…traps; for
  they made locomotion unsafe; and it is still unsafe a little
  farther north; where the hunters are more out of observation than
  here。  The traps consist of a large bow with a poisoned arrow;
  fixed in such a way that when the bear walks over a cord which is
  attached to it he is simultaneously transfixed。  I have seen as
  many as fifty in one house。  The simple contrivance for inflicting
  this silent death is most ingenious。
  The women are occupied all day; as I have before said。  They look
  cheerful; and even merry when they smile; and are not like the
  Japanese; prematurely old; partly perhaps because their houses are
  well ventilated; and the use of charcoal is unknown。  I do not
  think that they undergo the unmitigated drudgery which falls to the
  lot of most savage women; though they work hard。  The men do not
  like them to speak to strangers; however; and say that their place
  is to work and rear children。  They eat of the same food; and at
  the same time as the men; laugh and talk before them; and receive
  equal support and respect in old age。  They sell mats and bark…
  cloth in the piece; and made up; when they can; and their husbands
  do not take their earnings from them。  All Aino women understand
  the making of bark…cloth。  The men bring in the bark in strips;
  five feet long; having removed the outer coating。  This inner bark
  is easily separated into several thin layers; which are split into
  very narrow strips by the older women; very neatly knotted; and
  wound into balls weighing about a pound each。  No preparation of
  either the bark or the thread is required to fit it for weaving;
  but I observe that some of the women steep it in a decoction of a
  bark which produces a brown dye to deepen the buff tint。
  The loom is so simple that I almost fear to represent it as
  complicated by description。  It consists of a stout hook fixed in
  the floor; to which the threads of the far end of the web are
  secured; a cord fastening the near end to the waist of the worker;
  who supplies; by dexterous rigidity; the necessary tension; a frame
  like a comb resting on the ankles; through which the threads pass;
  a hollow roll for keeping the upper and under threads separate; a
  spatula…shaped shuttle of engraved wood; and a roller on which the
  cloth is rolled as it is made。  The length of the web is fifteen
  feet; and the width of the cloth fifteen inches。  It is woven with
  great regularity; and the knots in the thread are carefully kept on
  the under side。 {20}  It is a very slow and fatiguing process; and
  a woman cannot do much more than a foot a day。  The weaver sits on
  the floor with the whole arrangement attached to her waist; and the
  loom; if such it may be called; on her ankles。  It takes long
  practice before she can supply the necessary tension by spinal
  rigidity。  As the work proceeds she drags herself almost
  imperceptibly nearer the hook。  In this house and other large ones
  two or three women bring in their webs in the morning; fix their
  hooks; and weave all day; while others; who have not equal
  advantages; put their hooks in the ground and weave in the
  sunshine。  The web and loom can be bundled up in two minutes; and
  carried away quite as easily as a knitted soft blanket。  It is the
  simplest and perhaps the most primitive form of hand…loom; and
  comb; shuttle; and roll; are all easily fashioned with an ordinary
  LETTER XXXVII(Continued)
  A Simple Nature…WorshipAino GodsA Festival SongReligious
  IntoxicationBear…WorshipThe Annual SaturnaliaThe Future
  StateMarriage and DivorceMusical InstrumentsEtiquetteThe
  ChieftainshipDeath and BurialOld AgeMoral Qualities。
  There cannot be anything more vague and destitute of cohesion than
  Aino religious notions。  With the exception of the hill shrines of
  Japanese construction dedicated to Yoshitsune; they have no
  temples; and they have neither priests; sacrifices; nor worship。
  Apparently through all traditional time their cultus has been the
  rudest and most primitive form of nature…worship; the attaching of
  a vague sacredness to trees; rivers; rocks; and mountains; and of
  vague notions of power for good or evil to the sea; the forest; the
  fire; and the sun and moon。  I cannot make out that they possess a
  trace of the deification of ancestors; though their rude nature
  worship may well have been the primitive form of Japanese Shinto。
  The solitary exception to their adoration of animate and inanimate
  nature appears to be the reverence paid to Yoshitsune; to whom they
  believe they are greatly indebted; and who; it is supposed by some;
  will yet interfere on their behalf。 {21}  Their godsthat is; the
  outward symbols of their religion; corresponding most likely with
  the Shinto goheiare wands and posts of peeled wood; whittled
  nearly to the top; from which the pendent shavings fall down in
  white curls。  These are not only set up in their houses; sometimes
  to the number of twenty; but on precipices; banks of rivers and
  streams; and mountain…passes; and such wands are thrown into the
  rivers as the boatmen descend rapids and dangerous places。  Since
  my baggage horse fell over an acclivity on the trail from Sarufuto;
  four such wands have been placed there。  It is nonsense to write of
  the religious ideas of a people who have none; and of beliefs among
  people who are merely adult children。  The traveller who formulates
  an Aino creed must 〃evolve it from his inner consciousness。〃  I
  have taken infinite trouble to learn from themselves what their
  religious notions are; and Shinondi tells me that they have told me
  all they know; and the whole sum is a few vague fears and hopes;
  and a suspicion that there are things outside themselves more
  powerful than themselves; whose good influences may be obtained; or
  whose evil influences may be averted; by libations of sake。
  The word worship is in itself misleading。  When I use it of these
  savages it simply means libations of sake; waving bowls and waving
  hands; without any spiritual act of deprecation or supplication。
  In such a sense and such alone they worship the sun and moon (but
  not the stars); the forest; and the sea。  The wolf; the black
  snake; the owl; and several other beasts and birds have the word
  kamoi; god; attached to them; as the wolf is the 〃howling god;〃 the
  owl 〃the bird of the gods;〃 a black snake the 〃raven god;〃 but none
  of these things are now 〃worshipped;〃 wolf…worship having quite
  lately died out。  Thunder; 〃the voice of the gods;〃 inspires some
  fear。  The sun; they say; is their best god; and the fire their
  next best; obviously the divinities from whom their greatest
  benefits are received。  Some idea of gratitude pervades their rude
  notions; as in the case of the 〃worship〃 paid to Yoshitsune; and it
  appears in one of the rude recitations chanted at the Saturnalia
  which in several places conclude the hunting and fishing seasons:…
  〃To the sea which nourishes us; to the forest which protects us; we
  present our grateful thanks。  You are two mothers that nourish the
  same child; do not be angry if we leave one to go to the other。
  〃The Ainos will always be the pride of the forest and of the sea。〃
  The solitary act of sacrifice which they perform is the placing of
  a worthless; dead bird; something like a sparrow; near one of their
  peeled wands; where it is left till it reaches an advanced stage of
  putrefaction。  〃To drink for the god〃 is the chief act of
  〃worship;〃 and thus drunkenness and religion are inseparably
  connected; as the more sake the Ainos drink the more devout they
  are; and the better pleased are the gods。  It does not appear that
  anything but sake is of sufficient value to please the gods。  The
  libations to the fire and the peeled post are never omitted; and
  are always accompanied by the inward waving of the sake bowls。
  The peculiarity which distinguishes this rude mythology is the
  〃worship〃 of the bear; the Yezo bear being one of the finest of his
  species; but it is impossible to understand the feelings by which
  it is prompted; for they worship it after their fashion; and set up
  its head in their villages; yet they trap it; kill it; eat it; and
  sell its skin。  There is no doubt that this wild beast inspires
  more of the feeling which prompts worship than the inanimate forces
  of nature; and the Ainos may be distinguished as bear…worshippers;
  and their greatest religious festival or Saturnalia as the Festival
  of the Bear。  Gentle and peaceable as they are; they have a great
  admiration for fierceness and courage; and the bear; which is the
  strongest; fiercest; and most courageous animal known to them; has
  probably in all ages inspired them with veneration。  Some of their
  rude chants are in praise of the bear; and their highest eulogy on
  a man is to compare him to a bear。  Thus Shinondi said of Benri;
  the chief; 〃He is as strong as a bear;〃 and the old Fate praising
  Pipichari called him 〃The young bear。〃
  In all Aino villa