第 28 节
作者:人生几何      更新:2022-07-08 12:26      字数:9322
  phantasies of dreams are wonderful; seeing that they have no
  stability; but vary like the vaporous edge of sunset clouds; building
  now this thing; and now that; being now dark and heavy; and now alight
  with splendour。 Therefore; before we wake to…morrow tell me one word。
  Is that vision of last night; wherein I /seemed/ to be quite shamed;
  and thou didst /seem/ to laugh upon my shame; a fixed phantasy; or can
  it; perchance; yet change its countenance? For remember; when that
  waking comes; the vagaries of our sleep will be more unalterable and
  more enduring than are the pyramids。 Then they will be gathered into
  that changeless region of the past where all things; great and small
  ay; even dreams; Harmachis; are; each in its own semblance; frozen to
  stone and built into the Tomb of Time immortal。〃
  〃Nay; Charmion;〃 I replied; 〃I grieve if I did pain thee; but over
  that vision comes no change。 I said what was in my heart and there's
  an end。 Thou art my cousin and my friend; I can never be more to
  〃It is well'tis very well;〃 she said; 〃let it be forgotten。 And now
  on from dreamto dream;〃 and she smiled with such a smile as I had
  never seen her wear before; it was sadder and more fateful than any
  stamp that grief can set upon the brow。
  For; though being blinded by my own folly and the trouble at my heart
  I knew it not; with that smile; the happiness of youth died for
  Charmion the Egyptian; the hope of love fled; and the holy links of
  duty burst asunder。 With that smile she consecrated herself to Evil;
  she renounced her Country and her Gods; and trampled on her oath。 Ay;
  that smile marks the moment when the stream of history changed its
  course。 For had I never seen it on her face Octavianus had not
  bestridden the world; and Egypt had once more been free and great。
  And yet it was but a woman's smile!
  〃Why lookest thou thus strangely; girl?〃 I asked。
  〃In dreams we smile;〃 she answered。 〃And now it is time; follow thou
  me。 Be firm and prosper; royal Harmachis!〃 and bending forward she
  took my hand and kissed it。 Then; with one strange last look; she
  turned and led the way down the stair and through the empty halls。
  In the chamber that is called the Alabaster Hall; the roof of which is
  upborne by columns of black marble; we stayed。 For beyond was the
  private chamber of Cleopatra; the same in which I had seen her
  〃Abide thou here;〃 she said; 〃while I tell Cleopatra of thy coming;〃
  and she glided from my side。
  I stood for long; mayhap in all the half of an hour; counting my own
  heart…beats; and; as in a dream; striving to gather up my strength to
  that which lay before me。
  At length Charmion came back; her head held low and walking heavily。
  〃Cleopatra waits thee;〃 she said: 〃pass on; there is no guard。〃
  〃Where do I meet thee when what must be done is done?〃 I asked
  〃Thou meetest me here; and then to Paulus。 Be firm and prosper。
  Harmachis; fare thee well!〃
  And so I went; but at the curtain I turned suddenly; and there in the
  midst of that lonely lamplit hall I saw a strange sight。 Far away; in
  such a fashion that the light struck full upon her; stood Charmion;
  her head thrown back; her white arms outstretched as though to clasp;
  and on her girlish face a stamp of anguished passion so terrible to
  see that; indeed; I cannot tell it! For she believed that I; whom she
  loved; was passing to my death; and this was her last farewell to me。
  But I knew naught of this matter; so with another passing pang of
  wonder I drew aside the curtains; gained the doorway; and stood in
  Cleopatra's chamber。 And there; upon a silken couch at the far end of
  the perfumed chamber; clad in wonderful white attire; rested
  Cleopatra。 In her hand was a jewelled fan of ostrich plumes; with
  which she gently fanned herself; and by her side was her harp of
  ivory; and a little table whereon were figs and goblets and a flask of
  ruby…coloured wine。 I drew near slowly through the soft dim light to
  where the Wonder of the World lay in all her glowing beauty。 And;
  indeed; I have never seen her look so fair as she did upon that fatal
  night。 Couched in her amber cushions; she seemed to shine as a star on
  the twilight's glow。 Perfume came from her hair and robes; music fell
  from her lips; and in her heavenly eyes all lights changed and
  gathered as in the ominous opal's disc。
  And this was the woman whom; presently; I must slay!
  Slowly I drew near; bowing as I came; but she took no heed。 She lay
  there; and the jewelled fan floated to and fro like the bright wing of
  some hovering bird。
  At length I stood before her; and she glanced up; the ostrich…plumes
  pressed against her breast as though to hide its beauty。
  〃What! friend; art thou come?〃 she said。 〃It is well; for I grew
  lonely here。 Nay; 'tis a weary world! We know so many faces; and there
  are so few whom we love to see again。 Well; stand not there so mute;
  but be seated。〃 And she pointed with her fan to a carven chair that
  was placed near her feet。
  Once more I bowed and took the seat。
  〃I have obeyed the Queen's desire;〃 I said; 〃and with much care and
  skill worked out the lessons of the stars; and here is the record of
  my labour。 If the Queen permits; I will expound it to her。〃 And I
  rose; in order that I might pass round the couch and; as she read;
  stab her in the back。
  〃Nay; Harmachis;〃 she said quietly; and with a slow and lovely smile。
  〃Bide thou where thou art; and give me the writing。 By Serapis! thy
  face is too comely for me to wish to lose the sight of it!〃
  Checked in this design; I could do nothing but hand her the papyrus;
  thinking to myself that while she read I would arise suddenly and
  plunge the dagger to her heart。 She took it; and as she did so touched
  my hand。 Then she made pretence to read。 But she read no word; for I
  saw that her eyes were fixed upon me over the edge of the scroll。
  〃Why placest thou thy hand within thy robe?〃 she asked presently; for;
  indeed; I clutched the dagger's hilt。 〃Is thy heart stirred?〃
  〃Yea; O Queen;〃 I said; 〃it beats high。〃
  She gave no answer; but once more made pretence to read; and the while
  she watched me。
  I took counsel with myself。 How should I do the hateful deed? If I
  flung myself upon her now she would see me and scream and struggle。
  Nay; I must wait a chance。
  〃The auguries are favourable; then; Harmachis?〃 she said at length;
  though this she must have guessed。
  〃Yes; O Queen;〃 I answered。
  〃It is well;〃 and she cast the writing on the marble。 〃The ships shall
  sail。 For; good or bad; I am weary of weighing chances。〃
  〃This is a heavy matter; O Queen;〃 I said。 〃I had wished to show upon
  what circumstance I base my forecast。〃
  〃Nay; not so; Harmachis; I have wearied of the ways of stars。 Thou
  hast prophesied; that is enough for me; for; doubtless; being honest;
  thou hast written honestly。 Therefore; save thou thy reasons and we'll
  be merry。 What shall we do? I could dance to theethere are none who
  can dance so well!but it would scarce be queenly。 Nay; I have it。 I
  will sing。〃 And; leaning forward; she raised herself; and; bending the
  harp towards her; struck some wandering chords。 Then her low voice
  broke out in perfect and most sweet song。
  And thus she sang:
  〃Night on the sea; and night upon the sky;
  And music in our hearts; we floated there;
  Lulled by the low sea voices; thou and I;
  And the wind's kisses in my cloudy hair:
  And thou didst gaze on me and call me fair
  Enfolded by the starry robe of night
  And then thy singing thrilled upon the air;
  Voice of the heart's desire and Love's delight。
  'Adrift; with starlit skies above;
  With starlit seas below;
  We move with all the suns that move;
  With all the seas that flow;
  For bond or free; Earth; Sky; and Sea;
  Wheel with one circling will;
  And thy heart drifteth on to me;
  And only time stands still。
  Between two shores of Death we drift;
  Behind are things forgot:
  Before the tide is driving swift
  To lands beholden not。
  Above; the sky is far and cold;
  Below; the moaning sea
  Sweeps o'er the loves that were of old;
  But; oh; Love! kiss thou me。
  Ah; lonely are the ocean ways;
  And dangerous the deep;
  And frail the fairy barque that strays
  Above the seas asleep!
  Ah; toil no more at sail nor oar;
  We drift; or bond or free;
  On yon far shore the breakers roar;
  But; oh; Love! kiss thou me。'
  〃And ever as thou sangest I drew near;
  Then sudden silence heard our hearts that beat;
  For now there was an end of doubt and fear;
  Now passion filled my soul and led my feet;
  Then silent didst thou rise thy love to meet;
  Who; sinking on thy br