第 7 节
作者:负债赌博      更新:2022-06-19 10:17      字数:9322
  And what good can be learnt of them?
  What good indeed? Why; all human knowledge。 Firstly; you will know
  yourself grossly ignorant。 But await me here awhile。
  (He goes back into his house。)
  Alas! what is to be done? Father has lost his wits。 Must I have
  him certificated for lunacy; or must I order his coffin?
  STREPSIADES (returning with a bird in each hand)
  Come! what kind of bird is this? Tell me。
  A pigeon。
  Good! And this female?
  A pigeon。
  The same for both? You make me laugh! In the future you must
  call this one a pigeonnette and the other a pigeon。
  A pigeonnette! These then are the fine things you have just learnt
  at the school of these sons of Earth!
  And many others; but what I learnt I forgot at once; because I
  am to old。
  So this is why you have lost your cloak?
  I have not lost it; I have consecrated it to Philosophy。
  And what have you done with your sandals; you poor fool?
  If I have lost them; it is for what was necessary; just as
  Pericles did。 But come; move yourself; let us go in; if necessary;
  do wrong to obey your father。 When you were six years old and still
  lisped; I was the one who obeyed you。 I remember at the feasts of Zeus
  you had a consuming wish for a little chariot and I bought it for
  you with the first obolus which I received as a juryman in the courts。
  You will soon repent of what you ask me to do。
  Oh! now I am happy! He obeys。 (loudly) Come; Socrates; come!
  Come out quick! Here I am bringing you my son; he refused; but I
  have persuaded him。
  Why; he is but a child yet。 He is not used to these baskets; in
  which we suspend our minds。
  To make you better used to them; I would you were hung。
  A curse upon you! you insult your master!
  〃I would you were hung!〃 What a stupid speech! and so emphatically
  spoken! How can one ever get out of an accusation with such a tone;
  summon witnesses or touch or convince? And yet when we think;
  Hyperbolus learnt all this for one talent!
  Rest undisturbed and teach him。 He has a most intelligent
  nature。 Even when quite little he amused himself at home with making
  houses; carving boats; constructing little chariots of leather; and
  understood wonderfully how to make frogs out of pomegranate rinds。
  Teach him both methods of reasoning; the strong and also the weak;
  which by false arguments triumphs over the strong; if not the two;
  at least the false; and that in every possible way。
  The Just and Unjust Discourse themselves shall instruct him。 I
  shall leave you。
  But forget it not; he must always; always be able to confound
  the true。
  (Socrates enters the Thoughtery; a moment later the JUST and the
  UNJUST DISCOURSE come out; they are quarrelling violently。)
  Come here! Shameless as you may be; will you dare to show your
  face to the spectators?
  Take me where you will。 I seek a throng; so that I may the
  better annihilate you。
  Annihilate me! Do you forget who you are?
  I am Reasoning。
  Yes; the weaker Reasoning。〃
  But I triumph over you; who claim to be the stronger。
  By what cunning shifts; pray?
  By the invention of new maxims。
  。。。。 which are received with favour by these fools。
  (He points to the audience。)
  Say rather; by these wise men。
  I am going to destroy you mercilessly。
  How pray? Let us see you do it。
  By saying what is true。
  I shall retort and shall very soon have the better of you。
  First; maintain that justice has no existence。
  Has no existence?
  No existence! Why; where is it?
  With the gods。
  How then; if justice exists; was Zeus not put to death for
  having put his father in chains?
  Bah! this is enough to turn my stomach! A basin; quick!
  You are an old driveller and stupid withal。
  And you a degenerate and shameless fellow。
  Hah! What sweet expressions!
  An impious buffoon。
  You crown me with roses and with lilies。
  A parricide。
  Why; you shower gold upon me。
  Formerly it was a hailstorm of blows。
  I deck myself with your abuse。
  What impudence!
  What tomfoolery!
  It is because of you that the youth no longer attends the schools。
  The Athenians will soon recognize what lessons you teach those who are
  fools enough to believe you。
  You are overwhelmed with wretchedness。
  And you; you prosper。 Yet you were poor when you said; 〃I am the
  Mysian Telephus;〃 and used to stuff your wallet with maxims of
  Pandeletus to nibble at。
  Oh! the beautiful wisdom; of which you are now boasting!
  Madman! But yet madder the city that keeps you; you; the corrupter
  of its youth!
  It is not you who will teach this young man; you are as old and
  out of date at Cronus。
  Nay; it will certainly be I; if he does not wish to be lost and to
  practise verbosity only。
  Come here and leave him to beat the air。
  You'll regret it; if you touch him。
  CHORUS…LEADER (stepping between them as they are about to come to
  A truce to your quarrellings and abuse! But you expound what you
  taught us formerly; and you; your new doctrine。 Thus; after hearing
  each of you argue; he will be able to choose betwixt the two schools。
  I am quite agreeable。
  And I too。
  Who is to speak first?
  Let it be my opponent; he has my full consent; then I shall follow
  upon the very ground he shall have chosen and shall shatter him with a
  hail of new ideas and subtle fancies; if after that he dares to
  breathe another word; I shall sting him in the face and in the eyes
  with our maxims; which are as keen as the sting of a wasp; and he will
  CHORUS (singing)
  Here are two rivals confident in their powers of oratory and in
  the thoughts over which they have pondered so long。 Let us see which
  will come triumphant out of the contest。 This wisdom; for which my
  friends maintain such a persistent fight; is in great danger。
  Come then; you; who crowned men of other days with so many
  virtues; plead the cause dear to you; make yourself known to us。
  Very well; I will tell you what was the old education; when I used
  to teach justice with so much success and when modesty was held in
  veneration。 Firstly; it was required of a child; that it should not
  utter a word。 In the street; when they went to the music…school; all
  the youths of the same district marched lightly clad and ranged in
  good order; even when the snow was falling in great flakes。 At the
  master's house they had to stand with their legs apart and they were
  taught to sing either; 〃Pallas; the Terrible; who overturneth cities;〃
  or 〃A noise resounded from afar〃 in the solemn tones of the ancient
  harmony。 If anyone indulged in buffoonery or lent his voice any of the
  soft inflexions; like those which to…day the disciples of Phrynis take
  so much pains to form; he was treated as an enemy of the Muses and
  belaboured with blows。 In the wrestling school they would sit with
  outstretched legs and without display of any indecency to the curious。
  When they rose; they would smooth over the sand; so as to leave no
  trace to excite obscene thoughts。 Never was a child rubbed with oil
  below the belt; the rest of their bodies thus retained its fresh bloom
  and down; like a velvety peach。 They were not to be seen approaching a
  lover and themselves rousing his passion by soft modulation of the
  voice and lustful gaze。 At table; they would not have dared; before
  those older than themselves; to have taken a radish; an aniseed or a
  leaf of parsley; an